Digitization of auxiliary processing
What is it about?
Optimization and new development of processes and services:
- The checklist for the required documents has been made clearer and easier to understand.
- Mailing list for up-to-date information
- A new personnel form with integrated declarations has been developed to reduce the number of signatures required from the assistant. The signing of the auxiliary staff contract by the assignment area can be omitted. (The supervisor confirms the key data of the contract by e-mail).
- A new certificate blank has been designed to support the area of employment. Unnecessary termination agreements should be avoided, instead accepting a termination.
- List of reasons if the minimum period of employment is not reached (currently 12 months) - these have been integrated into the sample employment contract
- Condition subsequent in the event of exmatriculation
- Explanatory video for the recruitment of assistants
- FAQs
- Job vacancies for assistants (clearly visible from a website within the FAQs)
Digitized processes:
- Creation of interim/final certificate for assistants (currently being piloted)
- Recruitment process (currently being piloted in some areas)
Further processes to be digitalized (in preparation):
- Continued employment process
- Digital auxiliary staff file
Project title
Digitization of auxiliary processing
Contact us
University of Kassel
Department of Human Resources
Phone: +49 561 804 - 2183
Department in charge
Department of Human Resources

Working methods in the project
Downloads and links
- Checklist for recruitment as a student assistant for Case administration [internal] (opens in a new window)
- Mailing list for current information (opens in a new window)
- Personnel form [internal] (opens in a new window)
- Sample employment contract for auxiliary staff [internal] (opens in a new window)
- FAQ for auxiliary staff
- Explanatory video for the recruitment of auxiliary staff (www.uni-kassel.de/go/hilfskraft/extern)