
Further development of the data warehouse to support management and strategy development processes

What is it about?

All Hessian universities are faced with the challenge of making their data sets on finances, personnel, research and teaching & learning available in a standardized and quality-assured manner for purposes such as strategic development decisions, monitoring of measures, fulfillment of reporting obligations or also accreditation processes in the long term.

As part of the Digital Pact project "Data-based support for controlling and strategy development processes: systematically exploiting synergies (data warehouse/business intelligence", the joint development of definitions for academic controlling that can be applied throughout Hesse is central (e.g. also for establishing the so-called "core data set research" as a standard for research information). The long-term goal is a database that is coordinated between universities and the state and integrated into the local data warehouse solutions. At the University of Kassel, the Academic Management Information System (AKADEMIS) is being further developed as a local data warehouse solution as part of the project.


Project title

Further development of the data warehouse to support management and strategy development processes

Contact us

University of Kassel
Department of Strategic Development
Mönchebergstraße 19
34125 Kassel

Project period

