Public Childcare

A key component in reconciling family life with studying or a career is regular childcare. On this page you will find information about public childcare close to the university as well as information about childcare in the city and county of Kassel.


Mädchen malt ein BildImage: Universität Kassel /Blofield


Childcare close to the university in Witzenhausen

The University of Kassel reserves a number of childcare places for children of staff under the age of 3 in various childcare facilities. At Holländischer Platz, there are places at the "Klinik-Kids", the daycare centre run by Klinikum Kassel.

At Witzenhausen, there are places in the daycare centre "Die Frechdachse" run by the Studierendenwerk Kassel.

In addition, the University of Kassel has reserved places on an hourly basis for children of staff aged between 6 months to the end of primary school age for flexible childcare facility "StudyKidsCare" run by the Studierendenwerk Kassel.

For more information, please contact familywelcomeservice[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.

For funding reasons, the childcare services offered by the city of Kassel, including those of the university, are only available to children who live in the city, not to those who live outside of town. In addition, each daycare centre has different admission policies and criteria (e.g. cut-off dates for admission), which must be inquired about individually.


For more information on childcare in the city of Kassel, please visit the City of Kassel page (German website only).

Detailed information on childcare facilities and on daycare for children who live in Kassel county can be found on the county’s website (German website only).



On the following pages you will find information on childcare in Witzenhausen: