Equal Opportunities Monitoring

Image: Fiona Körner

The University of Kassel’s statistics for monitoring equal opportunities include the proportions of women and men at each academic qualification level as well as in non-academic staff and leadership positions. At the beginning of each summer semester, the faculty-specific data from the previous year is available as a PDF and Excel file in the current Equality Monitor. You can download the files from the data portal. They can be sorted according to qualification levels, faculty, teaching units and time series.


Elina Saida, Tel. +49 561 804-3295, elina.saida@uni-kassel.de

Sullyvan Bär, Tel. +49 561 804-2199, sullyvan.baer@uni-kassel.de

Abt. Entwicklungsplanung

Equal Opportunities Monitoring

Faculty-specific data from the previous year (German language only)

Equal Opportunities Monitoring: Forward

Data Portal

Log-in Data portal (German language only)

Data Portal : Forward

[Translate to Englisch:] Logoreihe

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Logo Charta der Vielfalt