Bologna 2002-2009

In 2002, the University of Kassel began to work actively on the implementation of the Bologna goals. To support the departments and students, a project group was set up in 2003 to develop framework guidelines for the introduction of modularization and a credit system at the University of Kassel. Building on the tradition of tiered diploma programs, guidelines and implementation aids were developed and discussed with departments, students and central committees. Central to examination regulations with Bachelor's and Master's degrees are the framework guidelines for modularization and the regulations in the General Regulations.

In the first phase of modularization, all degree programs were converted to Bachelor's and Master's degrees (except for the artistic and teaching degree programs).

Constitutive elements, framework specifications and further components as well as basic terminology of modularization, e.g. modules, credits, diploma supplement, can be found and the following link.

Project progress

According to the resolution of 15.12.2004, the senate pursues the goal to modularize all study programs of the University of Kassel, except for the artistic study programs, by the winter semester 2007/2008, to equip them with a credit system, to convert them into a two-tier system and to implement a quality assurance procedure as well as to provide them with the degrees Bachelor and Master. In addition, accreditation procedures should be initiated for all degree programs by WS 2007/2008 at the latest. For the teacher training programs, this objective applies with the proviso that the frameworks applicable to teacher training must be adhered to. The Center Council of the Center for Teacher Education at the University of Kassel has decided on 28.04.2005 on key data for the implementation of modularization for the teacher education programs for the departments involved in teacher education according to the requirements of the Hessian Teacher Education Act of 29.11.04 and the regulation for implementation of 16.03.05. Of the 45 partial teaching degree programs, including the core studies in education and social sciences at the University of Kassel, 38 have now been modularized and assigned credits.

Framework Guidelines The Senate of the University of Kassel adopted the framework guidelines for the introduction of modularization and the credit system developed by the working group for the University of Kassel at its meeting on April 30, 2003. The resolution was supplemented by a preamble on the implementation of modularization in higher education didactics, adopted by the Senate on May 15, 2003. On February 8, 2006, the Senate adopted further regulations on the awarding of credits for modules and internships. By letter of the Hessian Minister of Science and Art of January 20, 2003, AZ. H I 1 - 424/4 (1) - 1 - all examination regulations were to be adapted to the framework guidelines first adopted by the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs on September 15, 2000 by the end of 2004 (for the latest version of the KMK guidelines, see here). The framework specifications of the KMK are included in the framework specifications for implementation at the University of Kassel.

Ideas Workshop on Implementation Models As a prelude to the internal university discussion, the event "Modularization, Credits and Graded Courses of Study: Interdepartmental Ideas Workshop" took place on November 4, 2002 in the Gießhaus. The event introduced the concept of modularization and gave detailed opportunities to discuss content-related questions in plenary sessions and in working groups, as well as to learn about implementation models. The contributions as well as the results of the conference will be incorporated into the further course of the project and are published on the Internet. The interdisciplinary discussion of the framework proposal for modularization and the introduction of a credit system was conducted in the Conference of Deans of Studies as well as in the Extended Presidium. Departments and the student body were asked to discuss the draft and submit comments to the Department of Studies and Teaching, Ms. Schomburg or Ms. Boemans. The suggestions have been incorporated into the framework. Project plan, resources, participants - proposal of the working group of SS 2002 (The project plan elaborated by the working group in SS 2002 has been revised in its content and time planning, see above). Extra personnel and material resources are not available for the project, neither in the departments nor centrally).

Time frame for modularization, required measures Modularization is to be introduced in a process-like manner, for all departments of the University of Kassel. It is planned to have modularized as many study programs as possible at the University of Kassel by the end of 2006.

Time frame: Modularization will be implemented in two phases:

Phase I: 2002 - 2003 Alignment of all new tiered degree programs (Bachelor's and Master's) currently under development, as well as all credit systems at the University of Kassel, to appropriate minimum standards (see above framework, constitutive elements).

Phase II: 2003 - 2005 Introduction of credit systems at all departments of the University of Kassel. Simultaneous request to the individual departments to convert the "traditional courses of study" into modularized courses of study. Simultaneous reinforcement of accompanying measures on the part of student advising and student support (ex ante: teaching advising, ex post: student process advising).

2006: All study programs at the University of Kassel are equipped with credit systems, the majority of study programs at the University of Kassel are offered in modularized form.

Heiko Wolf

Section Head Quality Development, Accreditation procedures

Phone +49 561 804-1864