Calculation of Admission Numbers
The Academic Affairs and Studies Department copiles and maintains the data from which the annual admission numbers for all degree programmes of the University of Kassel are calculated. This is done in cooperation with the various faculties and the Department of Strategic Development. The Presidential Board decides on whether admission numbers for specific programmes need to be restricted (numerus clausus).

Legal basis
Admission numbers are determined according to the specifications of the Kapazitätsverordnung (KapVO), a by-law regulating this process for all state universities. The main goal is to make possible a maximum number of admissions while ensuring adequate study conditions even in courses with high application numbers.
To admit the maximum number of students is a requirement deriving from the constitutional right to freely choose one's profession, including professional or academic training (Article 12 of the Federal Constitution), and from various rulings of the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht).
Legal documents
Terms and definitions
Admission numbers are determined according to available teaching capacities.
Calculations are made for teaching units(Lehreinheiten), e. g. Sociology, Mechanical Engineering or Fine Arts. Both the teaching required for a unit's own programmes and teaching contributions to other units' courses are taken into account.
The amount of teaching required for a study programme is reflected in two key figures, the Curricularnormwert (standard curricular value) and the Curricularwert (curricular value), which is empirically determined.