Utilisation of Teaching Capacities

The data compiled for the calculation of admission numbers can be used to determine the degree in which the teaching resources of each Lehreinheit (teaching unit) are utilised. The indicator used for this is percentage ratio between the staff resources available to the Lehreinheit and the amount of teaching required to serve current students.

In the first step, the total amount of teaching resources is determined for each Lehreinheit.

In the second step, the teaching demand is determined. This is done by means of the Curricularwerte (curricular values) of all degree programmes to which the respective teaching unit makes a contribution. The Curricularwert shares of the participating teaching units are multiplied by the number of enrolled students.

The demand from all study programmes that are served by a teaching unit adds up to the total teaching demand.

Data for teaching resources and teaching demand will usually refer to one semester (alternatively to one year).

In order to calculate the utilization rate of a teaching unit, the teaching demand (D) is taken and divided by the available teaching resources (S).

Utilization rate (%) = D/S * 100 %.

  • If D = S, the utilization rate is 100 %.
  • If S > D, teaching demand exceeds existing teaching resources (which may make a case for admissions restrictions).
  • If S < D, teaching resources are not fully utilised.