Teaching and Study Report

The University of Kassel has undertaken to present a central report on teaching and study every four years. It is anchored as an instrument in the quality assurance system of the University of Kassel and is intended to promote university-wide exchange on current topics of study and teaching as well as to support and stimulate discussion in the committees, faculties and departments.

It is intended to present the achievements of the University of Kassel in the area of teaching and studies to the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art and also to the interested public.

In the report, issues are developed which play a central role in teaching and learning at the University of Kassel and which are to be considered against the background of the development planning of the university. Whereas in previous reports the presentation of uniformly collected and evaluated teaching-related statistical data for the departments at the program level took up a great deal of space, the approach and focus is now on the presentation from a university-wide perspective. In addition to the fundamental orientation of the University of Kassel in questions of study and teaching, the response strategies of the university to current challenges are described for the respective reporting period.

Contact persons

Heiko Wolf

Section Head Quality Development, Accreditation procedures

Phone +49 561 804-1864