
True to the old adage "a picture is worth a thousand words", meaningful images are among the most important tools of good communication. On this page you will find support and consulting services for the use of visuals at the University of Kassel:
Photo databases
Image rights & licenses
If you use images in your communication, you must ensure the following points:
When using image material, the author, e.g. photographer/ illustrator must be stated (Photo: Sonja Rode). If the image originates from an external image database, e.g. Adobe Stock, the database or the profider must usually also be specified (Photo: Photographer / Adobe Stock).
Instructions for entering the authorship in Typo3
- Click on the image in the backend
- Select Metadata tab
- Enter author:in in the field "Copyright
- Author appears in the frontend at the upper right edge of the image
For the publication of personal photos, you need the consent of the persons depicted for the intended communication channels (print, web, social media). A consent form is available for download on this page.
More information can be found in the data protection information of the University of Kassel on the production and publication of photographs in accordance with Art. 13 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO).
The document is currently only available in German