Studiengangsinformationen im Web

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Websites for the individual degree programs have several target groups:

  • Prospective students
  • students
  • External advisors
  • Employees of the University of Kassel

We are required to ensure the quality and validity of the information on our degree programs and also their "usability" (findability, comprehensibility, comparability, etc.). Many cooks spoil the broth, unless they work with the same recipe and coordinate their efforts.

The following information is intended to give you, the editors from the specialist departments, an overview of the structure, processing options and potential.

General information and contact

The coordination of the website content on the degree program pages is the responsibility of the online editorial team of Unit C (hereinafter referred to as the online editorial team).

Through its networking with the departments, the various specialist units in the Department of Studies and Teaching and ITS, it can ensure a high level of quality and validity of the information as well as support the quality development of IT.

Andrea Haferburg, Kristina Linker and Jennifer Suchan
Phone: 0561 804-7141

Structure of the study program pages

The individual menu items are described in more detail in the following accordion.
You will find the editing options directly under the heading.

The navigation menus and the structure of the content should be the same across all degree program pages as far as possible in order to make it as easy as possible for visitors to the website to navigate and find their way around the courses on offer. The following menu items are defined on the main level:

  • Homepage
  • Course structure
  • Application and admission
  • Application and study guide for international students
  • Introduction and start of studies
  • Examination regulations and module handbook
    - All examination regulations
  • During your studies
  • Contact persons and examination office.

A maximum of two further menu items relating to aptitude tests etc. are possible by arrangement.

Here you will find a brief description of the degree program as well as deadlines and overview information. The course descriptions are written by an external editor in a language suitable for the target group and in a similar style. The deadlines are stored centrally. The overview information is standardized in the context of guidance (internal and external - e.g. careers advice from the employment agency).

In terms of content, the expertise from the departments is extremely important here and the editors are asked to create descriptive information in addition to the currently valid examination regulations or to check existing information. Information on intended changes to the study structure should be coordinated with the online editorial team so that the type of information and the most favorable time of publication can be found with regard to the admission campaigns.

The predefined structure simplifies the comparison of different degree programs. The online editorial team supports the text design with regard to comprehensibility and target group-appropriate address on the one hand and communicates innovations to the General Student Advisory Service on the other.

In terms of content, the expertise from the departments is extremely important here and the editors are asked to create descriptive information in addition to the currently valid examination regulations or to check existing information. Information on intended changes to the study structure should be coordinated with the online editorial team so that the type of information and the most favorable time of publication can be found with regard to the admission campaigns.

The predefined structure simplifies the comparison of different degree programs. The online editorial team supports the text design with regard to comprehensibility and target group-appropriate address on the one hand and communicates innovations to the General Student Advisory Service on the other.

Feedback from prospective and first-year students indicates that this subpage is of great importance and that information should be made available here as early as possible to promote a successful start to studies. A good service at this point is therefore a good service for first-year students and the best student marketing.

Information on preliminary courses, aptitude tests and, in particular, introductory events is generated in the departments. The Editorial Office for Studies reminds students to update this information in good time for the current admissions campaign and ensures that the reported dates are activated in a coordinated manner.

It is possible to add to the content. Please contact the online editorial team.

Information on this subpage and the subpage "All examination regulations" is maintained by the online editorial team in coordination with the responsible department (Department of Studies and Teaching, Quality Development Group). As examination regulations only become valid once they have been published in the bulletin, this department has expertise in the validity of the information stored there.

It is possible to add to the content. Please contact the online editorial team.

This space is primarily available for course-specific information. Some elements are already stored there by default on the homepage. This is currently being redesigned.

We are happy to create subpages on request, e.g. final thesis, practical experience etc... This area can contain 6-8 sub-pages. The pages will be created for you by the online editorial team and activated after completion.

In order to make it easier for service staff in particular to find the correct contact person, it is very important that the information on this page is maintained by the departments and that the information structure is not changed. The online editorial team regularly requests that the information on these pages be checked and, if necessary, updated.

Notes/examples on additions

Main menu: As already mentioned, a maximum of two additional menu items are possible. Examples are aptitude test, place of study or student stories (video series).

Examples of sub-pages during studies: Bachelor's or Master's thesis, state examination, practical (experience) or internships, stay abroad

Videos: the career prospects section is well suited for short messages from alumni. Short statements from students can be included in the study structure section.