Studieninformationen im Web

The content on this page was translated automatically.

In the following, we summarize step-by-step how we work together with the departments to develop course information for prospective students.

The basis for this is the content consisting of texts, images, videos, study plans (SVP) and diagrams.

Marketing measures (analog or digital) can only take place once the content has been prepared and published on a degree program page on the umbrella website.

Procedure for the creation of content elements for new degree programs (start WiSe 2025/26):

  1. 1.Kick-off date for KM staff unit and program directors

    March 2024

    • Getting to know each other: Who are the contact persons at FB and KM?
    • How far along is the approval process?
    • Is photo material available or does a shoot need to be organized?
    • Is video material desired/useful?

    The meeting (online or in presence) serves to coordinate the milestones/tasks for texts and visualization (see points 2-6).

    The department can submit requests for a meeting via the group mailbox redaktion-studieninfos[at]uni-kassel[dot]de.

  2. 2.Coordinate text material

    April - Sept 2024

    • April - July 2024: Department sends text suggestions or key points to KM using the course description form
    • July - Sept 2024: Fine-tuning of the texts,
    • late. End of September 2024: Approval by FB

    If a professional translation is required, the texts must be ready by the end of August.

    To be clarified: Who will pay for the translation?

  3. 3.Coordinate image concept/material

    April - September 2024

    • April 2024: Develop image concept (if necessary)
    • May - July 2024: Carry out shoot or select image material (KM & FB)
    • Aug - Sept 2024: Release the image material (available in the image database)
  4. 4.Study plan (SVP)

    May - August 2024

    • May - June 2024: Sending the necessary data for the SVP
    • July - Aug 2024: Fine-tuning
    • September 2024: Release of the SVP

    The exact process and the assumption of costs have yet to be clarified.

    Examples for major and minor subject SVP

  5. 5.Video material (optional)

    April - September 2024

    • April 2024: Create video concept if necessary
    • May-July 2024: Video shoot or editing of existing material
    • Aug-Sept 2024: Finalization of the videos, release (FB) and provision on the panopto platform (KM)

    Information on videos (for social media)

    The assumption of costs and organization must be clarified in the kick-off.

  6. 6.Pie chart (optional)

    May - September 2024

    • May - July 2024: Clarification of the terminology and proportions of the fields of study (FB & KM)
    • August - September 2024: Structure (KM) and release (FB) of the diagram
  7. 7.Website design and publication

    October - November 2024

    • October - November 2024: Development by the online editorial team (Team Haferburg)
    • As the content has been agreed, no approval necessary.
    • The online editorial team informs FB, Press Office, Department of Studies and Teaching about the activation of the degree program page
    • November 2024: Entry in the University Compass by KM
    • End of November: latest date for activation


    The study program page with all information can only go online when the PO has been published in the newsletter.

    A gradual publication of information is possible. Please request this at redaktion-studieninfos[at]uni-kassel[dot]de. The request will then be forwarded to the relevant departments.

    1. Phase 1: Marketing-relevant announcement
      After the decision of the Presidential Boardinitial overview information is published on the web: rough course description, newsletter registration for interested parties.
    2. Phase 2: Pre-application information
      After the PO Senate decision the information on the respective admission requirements is published. Set up the degree program page, publish draft version of the PO if necessary. Content can only be published "under reserve" (with disclaimer on the pages).
    3. Phase 3: Administrative process completed
      The degree program is mapped in the relevant (application) systems. The deadlines are known. The website is fully set up. (at the latest 11 months before the start of the program)


October 2024: Coordinate package of measures (FB internally with advisory support from KM)
December 2024 - August 2025: sensible period for marketing measures (digital and analog)

Study program flyer
The content of the flyer is compiled from the information on the degree program page.
