Are you responsible for a degree program and would like to have an existing study plan updated/corrected? In this case, please get in touch with the following contact person at dean's office level in the faculty:
FB01 - Melanie Lenz / Tim Reindl
FB02 - Natalie Dockendorf
FB05 - Tanja Schöttner
FB06 - Maike Raatz
FB07 - Sandra Drozdowski
FB10 - Isabell Mayrhörmann
FB11 - Holger Mittelstraß
FB14 - Cécile Vonderscher
FB15 - Daniel Koch
FB16 - Jörg Altendorf
Teacher training (elementary school, secondary school, grammar school, special needs education) - Janne Bothor (ZLB)
Procedure description for contact persons:
Please submit your correction requests via the login-protected form. The Graphics Office and the Studieninfo editorial team will then be informed of the changes by e-mail. After completion, the graphics office will send you the finished SVP and you will clarify further correction loops by e-mail.
After approval, the department sends the final file to the Study Info editorial team. They will then ensure that the latest version is published online.