Update study plans

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The study plans are primarily an orientation tool for prospective students and first semester students. The plan should be largely self-explanatory and, if possible, there should only be one plan per degree program/subject.

Updating study plans

Are you responsible for a degree program and would like to have an existing study plan updated/corrected? In this case, please get in touch with the following contact person at dean's office level in the faculty:

FB01 - Melanie Lenz / Tim Reindl
FB02 - Natalie Dockendorf
FB05 - Tanja Schöttner
FB06 - Maike Raatz
FB07 - Sandra Drozdowski
FB10 - Isabell Mayrhörmann
FB11 - Holger Mittelstraß
FB14 - Cécile Vonderscher
FB15 - Daniel Koch
FB16 - Jörg Altendorf
Teacher training (elementary school, secondary school, grammar school, special needs education) - Janne Bothor (ZLB)

Procedure description for contact persons:
Please submit your correction requests via the login-protected form. The Graphics Office and the Studieninfo editorial team will then be informed of the changes by e-mail. After completion, the graphics office will send you the finished SVP and you will clarify further correction loops by e-mail.
After approval, the department sends the final file to the Study Info editorial team. They will then ensure that the latest version is published online.

New degree programs and SVP's

The costs for the creation of new study plans (initial accreditation) are covered by the Communications & Marketing department. The data is also sent to the graphic designer using the form below.
Changes due to re-accreditations are borne by the department.


The costs for corrections are billed via the FB cost center specified in the form. The hourly rate is currently 70 euros. The graphic design office documents the work "to the minute" and invoices quarterly or semi-annually in the form of a collective invoice.

Registration form

Information for the graphics office