CLAKS Hazardous Substances Register

What is CLAKS ?

CLAKS is a central database available via the university network. It contains comprehensive information on chemicals and hazardous substances. In addition, information on the hazard characteristics of the substances and their derivative and alternative substances can be viewed.

Login: CLAKS Web Client

Working with CLAKS provides great support in daily laboratory operations and ensures responsible handling of chemicals. In addition, comprehensive information on substances, hazard characteristics, derivative and alternative substances is provided.

Possible uses CLAKS

Overview of existing
Chemicals and hazardous substances

The CLAKS Web Client provides employees and students with access to a chemical database with data on over 241,000 substances.

Storage location index

Creation of labels /
labeling of containers

Inspection of safety data sheets

Preparation of inventory lists

and much more

CLAKS WPS interface

CLAKS is linked to the university's WPS/SAP ordering system via an interface. Chemicals ordered via WPS are automatically created with the status "goods received" in CLAKS after confirmation of the goods receipt in WPS. By entering "ware" in the container search, these containers can be called up and the required information completed and saved. The interface is active twice a day (12.00 or 24.00).

CLAKS operating instructions

For a current version of the CLAKS user manual, please send an e-mail to: gert.kepper[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

CLAKS Training

In order to use CLAKS, participation in a training course is mandatory. After you have submitted a request to set up access to the CLAKS chemical database, your administrator will contact you regarding a training date. After a user-friendly introduction, you will be able to work effortlessly with the CLAKS software.

For problems or questions

Please contact:

Gert Kepper


In 2012, five Hessian universities joined together to form the CLAKS-HESSEN association and use uniform software with Hessenzeichen.
These are:

  • University of Kassel
  • Justus Liebig University Giessen
  • Technical University of Central Hesse
  • Johann-Wolfgang-von-Goethe University Frankfurt
  • Darmstadt University of Technology