Occupational Health Care
Regardless of whether you have taken advantage of occupational health screening in recent years, we would like to draw your attention to the possibility of offering screening and offer it to you! If you would like to accept this offer, please contact the Department of Human Resources by e-mail.
1. contact persons of the University of Kassel
2. company physician at the University of Kassel
3. preventive medical checkups at the Occupational Health Center Kassel
The discussions with the company physician are subject to medical confidentiality.
For this reason, we ask that you refrain from naming the reasons for the discussion/examination when making an appointment.
4. procedure of occupational health screening
When hiring or in the event of a (significant) change in activities, the need for or the offer of occupational health care must be determined. For this purpose, we provide various documents depending on the area of activity.
The assessment sheet for occupational health screening can be used to determine the working conditions and thus the necessary examinations. The assessment sheet is to be completed by the supervisor together with the staff member and sent to the Human Resources Department with the application for employment, or in the event of a change in activities.
Scientific/Technical Areas:
- Assessment form for occupational medical precautions.
- When handling open radioactive substances: Attachment 9: Sample form for radiation exposure.
From there, the staff member will promptly receive an invitation to the occupational health screening as well as the necessary contact information. As soon as the invitation is received, an appointment can be made with the company physician at the occupational health center of the medical airport service in Kassel. Bring the assessment form, completed as far as possible, to the occupational medical consultation.
As soon as the need for preventive occupational health care has been clarified and the Department of Human Resources and Organization has been notified of the need for examination, an appointment can be made with the occupational health center of the medical airport service in Kassel.
The employee should provide the occupational physician with information on his or her activities at the time of the preventive medical checkup. This can be:
- Assessment form for occupational health screening
- the risk assessment or if not yet available
- a detailed description of the activity in the sense of an activity recording within the framework of the risk assessment*
*Working areas e.g. office, laboratory, workshop and activities e.g. data entry, driving vehicles, handling hazardous substances (type, quantity, frequency), machines, welding etc.
If the agreed date not be kept, must be notified in writing at least three working days in advance. this must be cancelled at least three working days in advance in writing by e-mail to the Occupational Health Center (copy to arb.vorsorge[at]uni-kassel[dot]de).
Appointments not cancelled in time will be charged to the staff member.
Since the amendment of the ArbMedVV in October 2013, three certificates are issued following a screening:
- Attendance certificate: this goes directly to the university's human resources department and confirms attendance with the type of screening, date and recommended follow-up date without examination results
- Personal certificate: this goes directly to the staff member or in a sealed envelope to the Human Resources Department, which forwards the sealed envelope to the staff member by main mail. It contains a medical assessment ("confidential - personal") for all types of preventive care carried out.
- For presentation to the employer: this certificate is sent directly to the staff member or in a sealed envelope by internal mail to the Human Resources Department, which forwards the sealed envelope by internal mail to the staff member. It contains only a result on suitability examinations. Requested, offered and mandatory screenings are certified with "Participated". The consequence of this change is that employees must independently forward this certificate to the employer, in this case the HR department, particularly in the case of compulsory preventive medical checkups, but also in the case of preventive medical checkups on offer.
Once the certificate of attendance has been returned, the employee is entered in the occupational health screening file or the file is updated. The specified reason for the preventive medical check-up and the next preventive medical check-up date (usually 2 years) are entered here.
Based on the results of the medical certificate, the employee receives a request for an occupational health check-up from the Department of Human Resources and Organization on a regular basis (usually every 2 years).
The appointment is made directly between the employee and the Occupational Health Center.
The University of Kassel is required by law to maintain a preventive medical check-up file. The preventive medical check-up file only contains the information in which month/year and for which reasons an occupational medical check-up has taken place and must take place again. Examination results are not disclosed to the University of Kassel and are therefore not stored!
With the help of the preventive medical check-up file, the Department of Human Resources and Organization sends out invitations for preventive medical check-ups. The employees will be contacted and reminded of their next preventive medical check-up. If you have received an invitation, the costs have already been covered by the Occupational Health Center.
Any necessary adjustments to the health card file after the company medical check-up (examination principles, examination dates) are carried out by the Department of Human Resources and Organization on the basis of the certificates of attendance (see 4.).
Several times a year, the occupational physician also offers open consultation hours as part of"on-site" appointments at various university locations. Here you can get very practical on-site occupational health advice - without having to make an appointment in advance. Ms. Bertolo will answer your specific questions or provide general advice, for example on the topics of skin protection, maternity protection, handling hazardous substances, ergonomics at the workplace, vaccination protection for business trips abroad, or also on VDU glasses. You can find information on this under"Dates".
If you would like occupational health advice directly at the workplace, please contact the Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection Group (VC).
Occupational health screening - procedure and forms
5. business trips abroad
6. maternity protection - notification of pregnancy
If there is a possibility of health impairments at the pregnant woman's workplace, the employee is to be assigned by the supervisor to other activities in which there are no health hazards relevant to pregnancy until the risk assessment has been completed!
Maternity protection - procedure and forms