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Operating technology at the University of Kassel focuses on sustainability for vehicles

The University of Kassel is making a further contribution towards sustainable mobility management with the acquisition of an electric vehicle for operations.

Image: University of Kassel
Bernd Lachmann in the new electric vehicle.

The purchase of the electric vehicle received a grant from the Hessian Ministry of the Environment from funds for the implementation of the Integrated Climate Protection Plan Hesse. "The new electric commercial vehicle is very environmentally friendly and at the same time reduces operating costs. This creates a win-win situation," confirms Dr. Oliver Fromm, Chancellor of the University of Kassel.  "But the acquisition of this vehicle should not only have positive effects for us. We hope that due to the high presence of the vehicle on campus a high perception will occur and that there will be imitators among the craft enterprises, students and staff employed at the university."

Since the University of Kassel has been exclusively procuring green electricity and charging the vehicle with it for years, an annual mileage of 10,000 km results in CO2 savings of about 12.5 t per year. This is a positive contribution to climate protection. Another positive aspect is that the operating costs per kilometer are also halved.

The vehicle now in service has an electric motor with an output of 60 hp and a torque of 225 Nm, making it sufficiently dynamic in urban traffic.  With a range of over 200 km, it can be used at all of the university's locations without having to be recharged in between during the day. The permissible payload of 650 kg provides sufficient loading capacity for materials and tools.

Dirk Schnurr
University of Kassel
Energy Efficiency Manager
Department of Construction, Technology, Real Estate
Phone: +49 561 804-2162
E-mail: dirk.schnurr[at]uni-kassel[dot]de