Sustainable Transformations

Early on, the University of Kassel positioned itself as a university of sustainability in the areas of research, teaching and in operations. Professorships with close links to sustainability are conducting research in all departments. They thus work on essential aspects of sustainability in the technical and natural sciences as well as in the humanities and social sciences and in the School of Arts. The focus Sustainable Transformations bundles these activities and relates them to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations through the Kassel Institute for Sustainability. Central to the external interdisciplinary research of the topic are four newly established corner professorships on the topics of Just Transitions, Cultures of Sustainability, Eco-Health and Sustainable Technical Product and System Life Cycles, which are to be successively supplemented by up to 13 additional professorships.

Profile-building projects

The focus of interdisciplinary sustainability research at the university is on questions of local mobility and renewable energy sources, as well as the transformation of energy systems or the use of non-renewable raw materials in the global south. Large international networks, such as the BMBF network CALAS and the DAAD-funded Global Partnership Network, provide support in working on these topics of high global relevance with the relevant partners from science and society.

New heads

Image: Uni Kassel

09/11/2023 | New appointeeProf. Dr. Stefan Lechtenböhmer

Image: Uni Kassel

09/11/2023 | New appointeeProf. Florian Otto

Image: Anne Piezunka

04/04/2023 | New appointeeProf. Dr.-Ing. Christian Andreas Hans

Structural connection

As a new scientific center of the University of Kassel, the Kassel Institute for Sustainability bundles the wide range of research and teaching activities related to ecological, economic and social sustainability that have already distinguished the university for years. The focus of the institute is the scientific and critical examination of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations as well as the conflicts of goals and co-benefits when considering several goals.

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