1990s - concentration, research orientation, internationalization
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- The University Medal is awarded to Dipl.-Kfm. Dieter Beuermann, retired managing director of the Kassel Student Union.
- Anneliese Hartleb, former managing director of the Kassel Goethe Society, is awarded the University Medal.

- The university takes over the Hessian state domain Frankenhausen near Grebenstein, district of Kassel, as an experimental and demonstration project for ecological agriculture and sustainable regional development.

- The development plan "GhK 2002" is continued under the motto "Future through concentration".
- The fourth graduate college is opened.
- The GhK participates in the establishment of the Gründerzentrum Kassel.
- The GhK celebrates its 25th anniversary under the motto "Vision and Re-Vision". Almost 30,000 graduates have successfully completed their studies since the GhK was founded.

- The new technical building III/2 is inaugurated. This provides the departments of civil engineering and mechanical engineering with modern research and teaching conditions.
- The GhK presents its first teaching and study report.

- Prof. Dr. Georg Wannagat, former President of the Federal Social Court. D., receives honorary senator status.
- The Departments of Agriculture and International Agricultural Science in Witzenhausen merge to form the Department of "Agriculture; International Agricultural Economics and Ecological Environmental Protection".
- The endowed professorships of Farm Animal Ethology (Schweisfurth Foundation) and Plastics and Recycling Technology (North Hessian Economy) are established.

- The "20 years young GhK" celebrates with the region and its 18 foreign partner universities.
- Dr. Gabriele Gorzka becomes Vice President, Prof. Dr. Burkhard Fricke Vice President.
- The social science diploma program "Work and Technology" is introduced.
- Prof. Dr. h.c. Ludwig Georg Braun, Chairman of the Board of B. Braun Melsungen AG, President of the Kassel Chamber of Industry and Commerce, becomes Honorary Senator of the GhK.

- The foundation stone is laid for a new lecture hall and laboratory building in Witzenhausen. It is occupied in 1993.