Press releases
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Kompass für die Defossilisierung der petrochemischen Industrie in Deutschland
Die petrochemische Industrie steht vor einem fundamentalen Kurswechsel: Um fossile Rohstoffe zu ersetzen, muss die…Von „Rucksackbelüftung“ bis „Astronautenwaage“: Jugend forscht junior an der Uni
Mit Themen wie „Naschen ohne Reue“, „Mit KI Missverständnisse vermeiden“, einer „Rucksackbelüftung“ oder einer…English and German speakers perceive movements differently
How people perceive and describe movements is not just a question of individual observation - the native language also…University chancellors call for an offensive to simplify administration
"At the heart of transformation" - Prof. Dr. Klaus Dörre becomes new visiting professor at the Kassel Institute for Sustainability
The renowned and controversial sociologist Prof. Dr. Klaus Dörre will be a visiting professor at the Kassel Institute…Judith Hermann becomes Grimm Poetics Professor in the summer semester
Judith Hermann is this year's recipient of the Grimm Poetry Professorship at the University of Kassel. The author, who…Study: Deutschlandticket can also work in rural areas
The Deutschlandticket has increased bus use in the area covered by the Nordhessischer Verkehrsverbund (NVV) by around 10…Virtual action day on March 19 provides information on study programs in Hesse
Under the motto "Next stop, university! Find out more about this new stage in your life", the student advisory services…New hall of residence on Wolfhager Strasse
Everyone involved is delighted: today, the Studierendenwerk can open forty new student residences at Wolfhager Straße…Baunatal: Workshops on housing development
Baunatal will continue to need new living space in the future, but where and how much? This has been the subject of…