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Uni Kassel in the network for sustainability

The University of Kassel has been a member of the German Partner Network for Sustainability since October 2018. This network brings together universities and universities of applied sciences that are particularly committed to sustainability and provide transparent information about their measures. The University of Kassel has fulfilled all admission requirements thanks to its sustainability efforts to date, in particular its regular sustainability reporting. The partner network currently has 16 partners.

Image: University of Kassel

The aim of the HOCHN partner network is to promote sustainable development at universities in Germany in all relevant fields of action (research, teaching, operations, governance, sustainability reporting and networking). The following sub-goals are addressed in detail by HOCHN:

  • Establishment of a network for the exchange of experience regarding sustainability-oriented university development
  • Development of a common understanding of sustainability at universities in Germany
  • Promoting sustainable university development by deriving suitable support measures
  • Development and testing of a sustainability code
  • Creation of (integrative) guidelines for sustainable university development

The network partners regularly exchange information on sustainable development at universities and benefit from contact with other stakeholders from universities, business, politics and society.  Through its membership and the exchange with other partner universities, the University of Kassel will gain inspiration for its own sustainability process and receive helpful advice.



Prof. Dr. Alexander Roßnagel
Head of the Department of Public Law with a focus on the Law of Technology and Environmental Protection
Representative for Ecological Sustainability
Tel: +49 561 804-3130
Email: a.rossnagel[at]uni-kassel[dot]de