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The contribution of corporate reports to CO2 reduction

The CRed project investigates how corporate reports promote the reduction of CO2 emissions. A subproject is led by Prof. Dr. Christian Klein (Department of Corporate Finance). The budget for the University of Kassel is approximately 122,000 euros.

Image: Tom Bayer

The first work package "Status-Quo of Climate Reporting" examines whether and to what extent voluntary and mandatory reporting are related to the reduction of corporate CO2 emissions and how the capital market reacts to the publication of climate information.

Building on this, the second work package ("Corporate Climate Data in the Investment Process") examines the content dimension of climate reporting from an investor perspective. Through their influence on companies, for example in the context of "Socially Responsible Investment", investors are relevant actors in sustainable management. However, it is unclear in which form sustainability-oriented and other investors use and process climate data. This question will be verified in a qualitative study. The findings will help to better understand the importance of climate reporting in investment processes and to make recommendations on this.

The third work package, "Reporting and Management Decisions," examines the influence of alternative designs of climate reporting on management decisions. Aspects such as voluntary vs. mandatory reporting, sustainability reporting, third party reporting or validation of information by external parties play a role here. Managers make climate-relevant decisions here. The goal is to identify characteristics of climate reporting that encourage managers to make CO2-reducing investments in order to minimize the company's carbon footprint.

The results will be used to prepare "policy briefs" for relevant decision-makers in politics and civil society, thus providing relevant impetus for the further development of climate reporting. Companies and investors receive information via "Management Summaries". All groups are involved in stakeholder workshops.

The project will run from October 2018 to September 2021. The overall project is coordinated by the University of Düsseldorf. Other cooperation partners are the University of Hamburg, Radboud University in the Netherlands, Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V. (FNG) and WWF Germany.


Prof. Dr. Christian Klein
University of Kassel
Department of Corporate Finance
Tel.: +49 561 804-7565
E-mail: klein[at]uni-kassel[dot]de