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Environment + sustainability are moving closer together

The new website for environmental profile development and corporate sustainability management at the University of Kassel goes online.

The environmental profile development and the operational sustainability management of the University of Kassel have revised their website and are now launching together in a clear and user-friendly responsive design on the topics of environment and sustainability.

The new website is part of the University of Kassel's sustainability strategy, which aims to further sharpen its environmental and sustainability profile. In terms of sustainable development, the university wants to take on more social responsibility. It is therefore striving for sustainability in the areas of research, teaching and operations in ecological, economic and social terms. University operations are to be further developed in cooperation with university stakeholders from research, teaching and operations in accordance with the sustainability goals that have been set. To this end, the knowledge gained in research will also be incorporated into operations.

The website is divided into the sections "Environmental research, environmental teaching, promotion of young talent and operations". In addition to information on the most important organizations and contact persons from the environmental and sustainability sector, the "News" section provides information on new contributions from research, teaching and operations on the topic of sustainability. There is also a regularly changing selection of examples of current research activities in the environmental field at the University of Kassel. The Environment and Sustainability website thus becomes a platform for all topics relating to environmental research, environmental teaching, events, knowledge transfer and operational environmentally relevant developments.


  • Coordinator for Environmental Profile Development
    Dipl.-Ing. Nadine Chrubasik
    Phone: +49 561 804-2249    
  • Sustainability management in the company
    Nathalie Schnell, M.Sc.
    Tel.: +49 561 804-2519