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University of Kassel to set up center for sustainable development

Campus news from 17.06.2020: The University of Kassel wants to establish a scientific center for sustainable development and focus even more clearly on this topic in its profile. This was decided unanimously by the Senate at its meeting on June 10, 2020.

The center is intended to bundle research and teaching expertise on the entire thematic breadth of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The committee thus followed a proposal made by University President Prof. Dr. Reiner Finkeldey in autumn 2019, which has since been widely discussed at the university.

"The establishment of this center is part of a comprehensive strategic process at the university, which builds on Kassel's strengths in sustainability research and the areas of expertise in nature, technology, culture and society in the best possible way. With this resolution, the university has agreed on the framework conditions. Now we are looking forward to concretizing and implementing the plans," says Prof. Finkeldey.

The Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN) comprise 17 objectives that are intended to ensure sustainable development on an ecological, social and economic level worldwide. At the University of Kassel, more than 120 departments are already involved in sustainability issues in various ways. 

Up to 17 new professorships are to be established for the new center, which, in addition to internationally visible research, will also comprehensively strengthen sustainability-related teaching. This will not only create new courses in German and English for young people interested in sustainable development issues, but also relieve the burden on existing courses and further improve their quality.

Initially, a founding committee will work with the departments to prepare the advertisements for the new professorships. The professorships will belong to both a department and the new center. Existing competence centers can also cooperate with the new institution.



University President Prof. Dr. Reiner Finkeldey explained his thoughts in the recently published podcast"Science Managers For Future - Conversations for a Sustainable University System"


Press contact

Beate Hentschel
Head of the Communications, Press and Public Relations Department

Phone: +49 561 804-1961