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University construction in Hesse: 180 million for Kassel University

HEUREKA university construction program secures funding for strategically important construction projects

Image: University of Kassel / Studio Blofield

Science Minister Angela Dorn presented the key points of the new HEURAKA III university construction program today (Wednesday, November 25, 2020). There was good news for the University of Kassel: Around 180 million euros are available for construction measures at the university until 2031.

"Together with Marburg and Giessen, Kassel is thus one of the three universities to benefit most from the new HEUREKA program - this is a nice success and shows the importance of the University of Kassel for the state of Hesse," said University President Prof. Dr. Reiner Finkeldey, adding, "This is the highest amount that the University of Kassel has been awarded so far in one of the HEUREKA programs."

In particular, the new buildings for the natural sciences at the Holländischer Platz campus, which are to be realized with the help of HEUREKA funds, are high on the agenda of projects. The relocation of numerous natural science departments to modern research buildings on the central university campus is of outstanding strategic importance for the future of Kassel University. In addition, the renovation of the listed building of the University of the Arts can go ahead as planned with HEUREKA funds. This, too, is good news, Chancellor Dr. Oliver Fromm is pleased to report.

"The need in Kassel is huge - after all, in addition to the  major projects of the Natural Sciences Building and the School of Art, there will also be many new appointments in the coming years," says Prof. Dr. Reiner Finkeldey. The exact allocation of funds to the various building projects has not yet been finalized.



The Hessian university building program HEUREKA gives the universities,  universities  for  applied  sciences and art universities with  the volume of about 1.7 billion  planning security until 2031. Science Minister Angela Dorn presented the distribution of the funds in Wiesbaden on Wednesday. This involves an increase of 250 million euros (HEUREKA II+) to the HEUREKA II higher education construction program, which runs from 2021 to 2026, and  the follow-up program  HEUREKA III with a further1.435 billion euros from 2027 to 2031. Together with the HEUREKA I (to  2020; 3 billion euros) and HEUREKA II (1  billion  euros) programs launched since 2008, this brings the total to a record volume of around 5.7 billion euros.