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Invitation to the Sustain Groups!

Join our Sustain Groups for more sustainability at the University of Kassel. Come along and let's develop the projects of the ideas workshops together!

Get involved in the Sustain Groups!

We were busy collecting ideas at the ideas workshops in February 2023. Come to our working group meetings and let's continue planning the projects from the ideas workshops together and successfully implement them!

Registration at: or via the training program. The registration deadline is 3 days before the event. The meetings take place at our Green Office.

All working groups are open to interested employees and students from all areas of the university. Anyone who would like to get involved in the process is welcome to join at any time. If you have a completely new idea that is burning under your nails, you can of course bring it along to our meetings.


The next Sustain Group dates:

14.06.23, 14-16 : Sustainable event organization

At the Sustainability Challenge in February, we considered together what is needed to ensure that sustainable event management (e.g. for the campus festival, workshops, meetings) can be realized at the University of Kassel. Our initial ideas include an active network with different perspectives on the topic, guidelines/training for event organizers and a central lending service for event equipment. We would now like to invite you to join us in developing these ideas further.

20.06.23, 14-16 : Sustainability communication (awareness + participation + communication)

At the Green Office's ideas workshops in February, we considered together what is needed to make sustainability issues more visible at the University of Kassel. Our initial ideas include a sustain board with different topics, e.g. on mobility and energy-saving activities or a sustain tour on campus. We would now like to invite you to continue planning with us.


You can find more information here.