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The Green Office at the SDG+ Lab Founder Days

On June 5 + 6, 2023, the opening of the SDG+ Lab of the University of Kassel took place in the Neue Denkerei.

With the new SDG+ Lab, UniKasselTransfer is developing a laboratory for sustainability issues as part of the funding initiative "Innovative University", which is intended to serve for the exchange between science, business, politics and society.

Under the motto "Transformation Open Source", the new team invited to the Neue Denkerei on June 5 and 6, 2023, to discuss the ambitious project and central project components. In different formats, the Founders' Days offered the opportunity for a professional exchange about the challenges of the region and the potentials of the newly established SDG+ Lab. Invited were the designated mayor of the city of Kassel, Sven Schoeller, the managing director of the Regionalmanagement Nordhessen, Kai Georg Bachmann, the scientific team of the SDG+ Lab as well as numerous other project partners: inside.