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Review: Water Day at the Campus Center

On October 24, there were many great activities around the topic of water at the Green Office 's Water Action Day. The focus was the inauguration of the 1st drinking water dispenser in the Campus Center.

The idea to install tap water dispensers at the university has been around for a while. During the Green Office's Sustainability Challenge in February, employees and students as well as the responsible department considered how the implementation could succeed. We are very pleased that a water dispenser is now installed at every university location - in the meantime you can also fill your bottles at the Wilhelmshöher Allee location and in Witzenhausen :)

During the action day, the advantages of tap water consumption were highlighted by the Green Office: If we consume tap water, we not only save a lot ofCO2 and (plastic) bottles, tap water is also a much cheaper solution compared to bottled water: for one liter of bottled water you get about 200 liters of tap water. It is also, almost everywhere, very uncomplicated and available around the clock. Tap water has it a very good quality and is regularly controlled at the university.

To make drinking water even more attractive, visitors were able to purchase fruity "infused water" at the beverage charging wheel during the day of action. The health insurance Techniker Krankenkasse and the company health management of the University of Kassel provided information on the topic of health and sufficient drinking. The university sports department presented various possibilities of water sports and when trying out the rowing ergometer, one almost felt like rowing on the Fulda.

In addition, the exhibition "Alles im Fluss? Water in Crisis" by the Foundation Life & Environment, the Heinrich Böll Foundation of Lower Saxony, was shown. When visiting the exhibition, the topic of water can be experienced from further perspectives, e.g. in relation to the effects of climate change on groundwater, rivers and lakes in Germany. Or the topic of water scarcity and the impact of agriculture and industry on water, and what role forests, moors take on as natural water reservoirs. With the exhibition the Green Office sensitizes the visitors for the protection of the precious good water. The exhibition can be visited until  2.11. in the Campus Center.