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Info day for the Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences in Witzenhausen (lectures will be broadcast online)

We have put together an exciting program for you. Both on site and online, there will be an introduction to the department and insights into teaching and research from a scientist. The degree programs will then be presented separately for Bachelor's and Master's degrees and there will be an opportunity to talk to students. In Witzenhausen, we also offer a free guided tour of the tropical greenhouse, a joint visit to the canteen and a guided tour of the town and campus by students.

The program will be announced soon.

The access data for Zoom will be announced shortly before the start of the event.

Special feature on this date:  Presentation of the ecology project weeks. At the beginning of the Bachelor's program, you will have a three-week phase in which you will write a scientific paper under the guidance of experienced students and research assistants. The final presentations will take place on this day.

For prospective students from further afield: We will be happy to help you find accommodation in Witzenhausen!

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