Create web area


The creation of a web area must be carried out exclusively by the Typo3 administration.

  1. log in, click on your name in the top right-hand corner and select the menu item "User administration".
  2. click on "Manage backend groups".
  3. click on the + sign next to "Group name".
  4. click on the folder symbol on the far right under "Starting point" in the page tree.
  5. enter the subject/institute name or a web area name in the "Name" field under "Create and assign new directory share".
  6. click on the arrow to the right of "Path" and select the Fileadmin directory.
  7. save and close the dialog window.

Create web areas - Screenshots

There are two ways to access the user administration.

User administration

In a second step, you must then go to the administration of the backend users (under the backend groups). There you can assign the relevant person(s) to the respective groups for page areas & directory shares.