Study structure

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In addition to studying in seminars, the Master's in Political Science also includes learning about scientific research and professional practice. Building on the knowledge gained in the BA, students learn qualitative political science methods and then implement their own research project. Thus, the master's degree qualifies students not only for doctoral studies and scientific research, but also for work in political parties, NGOs, administrations, associations and similar organizations, as well as in journalism and public relations.  

Interdisciplinary electives

A wide range of offerings can be found, for example, in the English-language sister master MA Global Political Economy & Development (GPED). The focus of the program is on the globalization of economics, culture and politics. Students have the opportunity to take courses there in an international atmosphere. The courses can be found in the course catalog.

The same applies to sociology or history - here, too, there is the option to select courses, attend them in consultation with the lecturers and have them credited. Module 4 even explicitly provides for students to gain interdisciplinary insights into completely different courses and scientific approaches. This can range from critical theory, social law, visual communication theory to economics.

Stays abroad

Students are also supported in gaining experience abroad during their studies. 30 credit points can be earned through a semester abroad at one of the many partner universities and cooperating departments. The international network of the University of Kassel is wide-ranging, e.g. through the Global Partnership Network (GPN), the Latin American Center of the University of Kassel - CELA or the Maria Sibylla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studies (CALAS).