E-mail sender information
Fax number will be discontinued as of 30.11.2024.
Recommendation: Please remove references to fax numbers in your workspace - be it in e-mail signatures, letterheads or on websites etc.
- First name Last name
- Function/Department/Office/Service organization
- 34125 Kassel
- Phone: +49 561 804-
- E-mail address
- If applicable, (telephone) availability for working days other than the 5-day week.
The sender details should always be preceded by 2 hyphens followed by a space "-". These can also be combined in the form of a line, e.g. "-- -- -- -- -- " etc. For people with visual impairments, these 2 hyphens have the advantage that the corresponding reading software does not continue reading after them. In addition, this separator visually divides text and sender information.
Font and color: E-mail text and sender information must always be entered in Arial in font size 11 and without color. A logo is not to be used.
In the case of planned absences, an absence message must be set up indicating the duration of the absence and the corresponding substitute.
For e-mails to persons and institutions outside the university, a disclaimer must also be attached.
This e-mail may contain confidential and/or legally protected information. This information is intended exclusively for the designated person or institution. If you are not the intended addressee of this e-mail, you are prohibited from publishing, reproducing or forwarding it. If you have received this e-mail in error, please inform me, return the e-mail and destroy your copy.
For areas with international communication partners, both the function/department/office/service facility and the disclaimer should also be included in English (see example).
Individual departments should coordinate internally with regard to sender details.