Multilingual pages

The TYPO3 installation at the University of Kassel offers the option of storing pages in several languages. In addition to the standard language German, the languages English, French, Italian and Spanish are currently available. The content can then be switched via a language switch (e.g. German/English) in the header of the website.

Two options for page translation

Campus Lingo

Starting point: no or manually created foreign language page

Campus-Lingo (CL) is a tool that translates the content of a website without editorial intervention, "OnTheFly" into any language, in our case English and possibly French, Italian and Spanish.

Campus Lingo: Forward


Starting point: manually created foreign language page

with subsequent choice between own translation (translate) and machine-generated translation (translate with DeepL).

DeepL: Forward

Translation behavior of Typo3 pages

In the navigation

In the navigation, elements are displayed in the default language if there is no translation. This results in mixed content in the navigation.

In the page tree, the "Hide page if no translation is available for the current language" button under the "Language" tab can also be used to influence the navigation. However, this is only suitable in places where there are no pages from other editors below!

In the pages: Connected mode

Translations in Typo3 are always created in"connected mode". Only then does Typo3 display English content that is based on a German element.
If the German element is deleted, the English element is also automatically deleted.
If the German element is hidden, the English element is also hidden. However, the English content elements can be deactivated separately.