Johannes Schmid

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Johannes Schmid was professor of Grimm poetry in Kassel in 2024

An Odyssey | 2007
Image: Ilya Mess
The Process | 2008
The Snow Queen | 2018
Image: Nadja Sjoestroem
Callocaine | 2023

- Stefanie Kreuzer | As of June 2, 2024 -

Grimm Poetry Professor 2024: Johannes Schmid

The German film and theater director Johannes Schmid (* 1973) will be honored as Grimm Professor of Poetics at the University of Kassel in 2024( As part of his guest professorship (inaugural lecture, poetics seminar, lecture with film viewing), he will give 'workshop' insights into his directorial work in Kassel at the beginning of June.

Johannes Schmid lives and works in Stockholm. His artistic productions have a European focus and are based in Sweden, Germany and Austria as well as in Poland, Switzerland and Italy. He acts as a border crosser between the arts of film and theater, directing both film and theater productions, adapting literary 'classics' for stage and screen as well as children's books, legends and fairy tales or even unknown texts. One focus of his film work in particular, but also of his theater productions, is on children's, youth and family stories.

Johannes Schmid's family films GESCHICHTEN V OM FRANZ (A/D 2022) and NEUE GESCHICHTEN VOM FRANZ (A/D 2023) were great successes with audiences, especially in Austrian cinemas. In addition to these cinematic adaptations of Christine Nöstlinger's KJL book series (1984-2011), his emphatically author-reflexive literary adaptation AGNES (D 2016), based on Peter Stamm's novel of the same name (1998), impresses with its narrative presentation as well as its visual aesthetics. WINTERTOCHTER (D 2011) was awarded the German Film Prize (Golden Lola) in the 'Best Children's and Youth Film' category. His debut feature film BLÖDE MÜTZE! (D 2007) celebrated its premiere at the Berlinale in the 'Generation' section. The coming-of-age film WIR FÜR IMMER (D 2024) stages a special mother-son constellation with a fine portrayal of characters and will celebrate its cinema premiere at the Munich Film Festival and be shown on prime time television on ARD in the fall.

As a theater and opera director, Schmid has already staged around 50 productions on European stages - including for the Salzburg Festival, Malmö Stadsteater, Playhouse Teater Stockholm, Bayerisches Staatsschauspiel, Deutsche Oper am Rhein and Teatro alla Scala Milano. His productions include Franz Kafka's The Trial, The Double Bass by Patrick Süskind, Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's The Abduction from the Seraglio and Leviathan by Dea Loher, as well as Ronja the Robber's Daughter by Astrid Lindgren, Paul Maar's A Week of Saturdays and The Snow Queen and The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen. In 2007, his Odyssey based on Homer was named the best production of the year in Munich by the Munich daily newspaper 'TZ'.

AGNES (D 2016)

Events with Johannes Schmid

The events of the Grimm Poetics Professorship (see flyer and poster) will take place on the following dates:

Wed, June 5, 2024 | Campus Center, Lecture Hall III
6-8 p.m. | public poetry lecture:
"Zwischen den Stühlen - zwischen den Welten: My directorial work between stage and film"

Thursday, June 6, 2024 | KW5
10 am - 2 pm | Poetics seminar (for Kassel students with registration):
"From script to cinematic reality: pre-production, shooting, post-production in WIR FÜR IMMER (D 2024) and other films"

Thursday , June 6, 2024 | BALi cinema (Kulturbahnhof)
5-8 pm | public lecture with film viewing:
"Staging fiction in fiction in the literary adaptation AGNES (D 2016)"

Prizes and awards (selection)

  • 2023 | for STORIES OF THE FRANZ: Saphira Award for 'Best Children's and Youth Film' (Biennale Bavaria International), nomination for 'Best Comedy' at the BUFF - Barn och Ungdoms Film Festival Malmö, FCCI Award and CIFEJ Award for 'Best Film' at the SIFFCY Film Festival New Delhi
  • 2022 | for GESCHICHTEN VOM FRANZ: Gilde Film Award in the category 'Children's Film'; Romy nominations in four categories ('Best Film Cinema', 'Best Screenplay', 'Best Director Cinema', 'Best Music'); 'Best Real Film' (2nd prize) at the CICFF - Chicago International Children's Film Festival
  • 2017 | Nomination for the German Audience Award Jupiter Award for AGNES
  • 2016 | Nomination for the Max Ophüls Award for AGNES and Max Ophüls Award for Odine Johne as 'Best Young Actress'
  • 2012 | German Film Award (Golden Lola) in the category 'Best Children's and Youth Film' for WINTERTOCHTER
  • 2011 | 'Best Real Film' at the CICFF - Chicago International Children's Film Festival for WINTERTOCHTER
  • 2009 | 'Best Film' of the Children's Jury in Bruges at the European Youth Film Festival Flanders for BLÖDE MÜTZE!
  • 2007 | Children's Media Award "The White Elephant" for BLÖDE MÜTZE!