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12/07/2016 | Pressemitteilung

Further funding for two LOEWE research projects at the University of Kassel

The Hessian state government is funding two Kassel research projects in the LOEWE line for another year. This has now been announced by the Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts. These are the LOEWE focal points "Social Link" and "Animal-Human Society".

Both projects were launched at the beginning of 2014 for an initial period of three years. The President of the University of Kassel, Prof. Dr. Reiner Finkeldey, was pleased with this news. "This is tailwind for our concern to make research priorities at the University of Kassel more visible. The funding will enable the groups to consolidate structures and continue their research in the medium term, i.e. beyond the duration of the LOEWE projects."

Social Link

The "Social Link" project will receive an additional 400,000 euros for 2017. Led by Prof. Dr. Klaus David (Department of Communication Technology), it is developing a new communication paradigm for the communication society: binding rules that enable work-life balance in the Internet age. The partner is the Technical University of Darmstadt.

The high prevalence and accelerating developments of modern information and communication technology are shaping the modern information society. Technology enables communication at any time, independent of time and place. This results in a variety of changes in communication and information behavior in society. The goal of the LOEWE focus area "Social Link" is interdisciplinary research and the technical, organizational and legal design of a new model of social communication behavior for an optimized work-life balance for knowledge workers and managers.

Further information:


The project "Animal-Human Society" develops approaches of an interdisciplinary animal research. It will receive an additional 877,500 euros for 2017. The project is headed by Prof. Dr. Winfried Speitkamp (Department of Modern and Contemporary History).

The interdisciplinary joint project researches human-animal relationships in society. At the same time, forms of "creation" of animals - and thus of identification of humans - are examined, whether through animal research, animal breeding, animal husbandry, animal presentation or animal representation. Different actors play a role: humans (breeders, farmers, animal keepers, artists, researchers) as well as animals (farm animals, pets, laboratory animals, wild animals). The LOEWE focus is based on current debates about the treatment of animals and is intended to advance these debates by systematically considering principles.

Further information:



Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Communication, Press and Public Relations
Tel: +49 561 804-1961
Email: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
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