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07/11/2017 | Pressemitteilung

Kunsthochschule Kassel receives exhibition hall

The Kunsthochschule Kassel is being expanded: Preparations will begin this year for an exhibition and work hall in the north area of the Kunsthochschule, which is a semi-autonomous part of Kassel University. The plans come from the Austrian firm Innauer Matt Architekten, which won a competition with them. All competition entries have been on display at the Kunsthochschule since July 11.

Image: Graphic design: Innauer Matt Architects
Interior view of the winning design

The hall with 600 square meters of floor space will serve as an exhibition hall as well as for processing large-format art objects. The compact, rectangular and single-story building will be erected in an inner courtyard of the listed building by Paul Friedrich Posenenske on the edge of the baroque Karlsaue. In doing so, the university and the art academy are reverting to a site that Posenenske himself had envisioned for a possible expansion. Preparatory work will begin in the fall, and the project is expected to be completed by the end of 2018. The construction is being financed with 3.6 million euros from the Higher Education Pact 2020 of the federal and state governments.

Boris Rhein, Hesse's Minister for Science and the Arts, said, "I am pleased that the Higher Education Pact 2020 Invest program will also make possible the expansion of the Kassel University of the Arts. The  decision of the architectural competition is an important milestone for the project, which will significantly improve the conditions for studying and teaching in the future."

Prof. Dr. Reiner Finkeldey, President of the University of Kassel, added: "In addition to our scientific courses, the artistic subjects form an important part of the profile and range of courses offered by the University of Kassel. This extension rounds off the possibilities of the Kunsthochschule and makes it even more attractive as a place to study."

The rector of the Kunsthochschule, Prof. Joel Baumann, said, "Innauer Matt's concept convinced us and excited us greatly. We have been working for years to get a dedicated exhibition space as a teaching space for exhibition practice at our university. I am convinced that the new exhibition hall will also establish itself as a meeting and welcome place for art in Kassel."

At around five meters high on a single floor, the new building will remain below the neighboring lecture hall wing. The building's interior is to be flexibly designed, with plenty of daylight coming in. Architect Markus Innauer promises "a distinctive space, a decelerated place characterized by an aura of great relaxation."

The Austrian architectural firm Innauer Matt Architekten ZT GmbH had won 1st prize in the competition for the extension of the Kunsthochschule Kassel at the end of May. Further prizes went to the offices of Kuehn Malvezzi and Tru Architekten, both from Berlin. All competition entries will be on display for two weeks starting July 11 at the gallery in front of the lecture hall of the Kunsthochschule, Menzelstraße 15.


Interior view of the winning design (graphic: Innauer Matt Architekten) at:



Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Communications, Press and Public Relations
Tel.: +49 561 804-1961
E-mail: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
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