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10/12/2017 | Pressemitteilung

Lecture Series "Of Neo-Nazis, Salafists and Grey Wolves. Transnational Extremisms in the Migration Society".

In the coming winter semester, the University of Kassel will host the lecture series "Von Neonazis, Salafisten und Grauen Wölfen. Transnational Extremisms in the Migration Society". The lecture series will address the various nationalist and religious extremisms that recruit their followers primarily from migrant minorities. The lecture will open at 6 p.m. Oct. 18 in Lecture Hall 5 of the Campus Center at Moritzstrasse 18. The event series is open to the public.

Because political extremism in Germany is no longer just a phenomenon of the majority population, this year's lecture series will focus on various forms of extremism among migrant minorities. The lecture series, entitled "Of Neo-Nazis, Salafists and Gray Wolves. Transnational Extremisms in the Migration Society," is sponsored by the University's President's Office, the Departments of Humanities, Humanities and Cultural Studies, and Social Sciences, and organized by a group of faculty from the aforementioned departments.

In the course of the semester, individual radical groups and their authoritarian ideologies will be examined, but also counter-strategies and methods of prevention will be discussed. The mutual influence between radical migrant groups and racist tendencies of the majority population will also be dealt with.

The lecture takes a broad transnational perspective. It aims to show how extremisms in the migration society reflect and are influenced by conflicts in the countries of origin.

The series offers listeners a diverse approach to the topic: lectures will be given by representatives of numerous academic disciplines, including history, political science and cultural studies, as well as experts from social work and educational practice.

The lectures will take place from October 18 on Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m. in Lecture Hall 5 of the Campus Center at the Holländischer Platz campus of the University of Kassel, Moritzstraße 18, 34127 Kassel.

For the past five years, the University of Kassel has held lecture series  on the topic of right-wing extremism each winter semester.



Dr. Floris Biskamp
University of Kassel
FB 05 Social Sciences
Tel.: 0561 804-3110
E-mail: floris.biskamp[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Stephanie Simon
FB 01 - Human Sciences

Christine Ansari
FB 02 - Humanities and Cultural Studies