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03/26/2019 | Pressemitteilung

Topping-out ceremony for new three-field sports hall

Work on the new three-field sports hall (TASK Hall) in Kassel is progressing rapidly. The Chancellor of the University of Kassel Dr. Oliver Fromm celebrated the topping-out ceremony today (March 26) together with Lord Mayor Christian Geselle and City Building Councilor Christof Nolda, and the other partners involved. Together with the City of Kassel, the University of North Hesse is building the new sports facility in the Auepark sports area.

Image: University of Kassel.
University Chancellor Dr. Oliver Fromm gives a welcoming speech at the topping-out ceremony of the TASK hall.

"The new three-field hall will be a tremendous asset for the sports city of Kassel," said Mayor Geselle. "With the new building, we will be able to offer additional hall time not only to the university, but also to our schools as well as sports clubs."

The foundation and shell construction work under the leadership of the company Hartmann Bau GmbH from Borgentreich has been underway since September 2018 and is fully on schedule, emphasized city building official Christof Nolda. "In rough outlines, the new building is already easily recognizable. It will impress with its functional qualities as well as its architectural design." If everything continues to go according to plan, the TASK hall can be put into operation in spring 2020.

For the University of Kassel, the hall is of great importance for sports science research, as Chancellor Dr. Oliver Fromm emphasized: "With the hall, even larger projects with many test subjects can be better implemented in the future. It also offers optimal conditions for sports students and participants in university sports. The university has grown. We want to do justice to this development, this growth, with the new sports hall."

The new hall is made possible by the Transfer and Application Center for Sport in Kassel (TASK) cooperation project initiated by the city and the university. TASK involves close cooperation between the two institutions with the aim of transferring sports-related projects from scientific research work to practical sports applications.

The state of Hesse is funding the construction with a total of 2.4 million euros through a special investment program for outstanding sports facilities. In total, the new three-field sports hall will cost around 6.9 million euros. The city itself is investing just over three million euros, with the remaining approximately 1.5 million euros coming from the university.

The building is being constructed according to the plans of the Lemgo-based firm h.s.d. architekten BDA, which won first prize in the architectural competition organized by the city and the university. A building shell made of trapezoidal sheet metal on the outside will be faced with a second skin of stainless steel mesh. This is intended as a climbing scaffold, among other things for climbing roses, and enables a sensitive integration into the protected Karlsaue.

The construction of the TASK hall will eliminate a grass playing field behind the Auepark sports hall. For this reason, a nearby hard court has already been converted into a modern artificial turf field that can be played on year-round. The 68 by 105 meter pitch had been opened in June 2018.



Sebastian Mense
Press Officer
University of Kassel
Phone: +49 561 804-1961