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08/27/2019 | Pressemitteilung

Hessian MINT teachers as guests at the university

The Hesse state association of the German Association for the Promotion of Mathematics and Science Education (MNU) invites you to its 44th state conference at the University of Kassel. On September 4, 2019, interested parties and MNU members from all over Hesse will meet to learn more about current topics from research and didactics under the motto "MINT in the digital transformation". The speakers come from higher education institutions, study seminars and schools. This ensures that theory and practice are interlinked.

Image: Thomas Rosenthal/MNU.
Prof. Dr. Werner Blum giving the opening lecture at the MNU National Congress 2014 at the University of Kassel.

MINT - that stands for mathematics, computer science, natural science and technology. And "MINT" in teaching faces challenges: Appropriate teaching concepts are needed to impart digital skills to students. At the MNU conference, various lectures and workshops will be offered on this topic. In addition to the "classic" teacher training with external lecturers, the university's scientists will present highlights from their research.

Topics include "CRISPR-Cas", "Interdisciplinarity in research and teaching" and "Fluorescent proteins in biology". As a special feature, there is the possibility to visit the laboratories of biology, chemistry and physics at the university. Finally, Klaus-Peter Haupt from the Schülerforschungszentrum Nordhessen will present his international student research. The conference will be held at the Oberzwehren site, Heinrich-Plett-Strasse.

"The University of Kassel is number one"

Each year, the state association selects a Hessian university as a cooperation partner for its conference. The choice of the University of Kassel as the conference venue was quickly made for Manfred Engel, MNU state chairman for Hesse: "The University of Kassel is number one for the focus on teacher training. The cooperation always works very well." MNU has already held two state conferences at the university and even the national conference in 2014.

Prof. Dr. René Matzdorf, who is responsible for teacher education in the Presidential Board, saw this as an excellent opportunity to network with dedicated STEM teachers in the region and throughout Hesse. "We want to use it to increase the visibility of the university and especially the STEM programs," says Dr. André Knie, the person responsible for the MNU conference at Kassel University.

The event is open to anyone interested - whether a young student teacher, trainee teacher, teacher or just interested. The morning lectures are not subject to any restrictions on participation. Only the workshops and tours require pre-registration, either on-site on the day or on the state association's website. Participation in all events is free of charge for MNU members, teachers in preparatory service and university staff; for non-members, a fee of 10 euros is charged when registering for the workshops or guided tours.

For more than 125 years, the MNU Association has been committed to the continuing education of teachers, the optimization of teaching materials, and the inclusion of technology and science in the teaching of all types of schools.

Where: University of Kassel, Oberzwehren site, Heinrich-Plett-Strasse 40.

When: September 04, 2019, starting at 8:30 a.m.

MNU members, teachers in preparatory service & University members: free
Non-members: 10 euros (workshops & guided tours)


Register for workshops either on the day at the venue or online at:

Further information:



André Knie
University of Kassel
Experimental Physics IV - Functional Thin Films & Physics with Synchrotron Radiation
Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40
34132 Kassel
Tel.: +49 561 804-4062
E-Mail: knie[at]physik.uni-kassel[dot]de


Manfred Engel
MNU-LV Hessen
MNU-Landesvorsitzender Hessen
Bahnhofstr. 1
36199 Rotenburg a.d.F.
Tel.: 0172 6729320
E-Mail: engel[at]lv-hessen.mnu[dot]de