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06/23/2020 | Pressemitteilung

50 years ago the University of Kassel was decided

It is a first harbinger of the anniversary year 2021: Five decades ago, on June 24, 1970, the state of Hesse published the law on the establishment of the comprehensive university in Kassel, as today's university was then called. Sixteen months later, the university in northern Hesse began operations - it will celebrate its 50th birthday next year.

Image: Bundesarchiv/Engelbert Reineke/ CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Albert Osswald, Hesse's Minister President at the time, pushed for the establishment of the university in Kassel.

If October 1971 was the birthday of the University, June 24, 1970 was, in a sense, the first sign of life. The day after it was published, the law came into force. Predecessor institutions such as the University of Fine Arts, the engineering schools in Kassel and Witzenhausen, the Higher Business School and educational training centers were incorporated into the then comprehensive university. "We will celebrate the birthday in the coming year in a fitting manner," announced University President Prof. Dr. Reiner Finkeldey.


Anniversary program 2021


Plans in the anniversary year include exhibitions, for example on the history and charisma of the university, retrospectives and outlooks, public lecture series, Internet formats and much more. "We are planning flexibly and will adjust the anniversary program depending on how the Corona pandemic develops. Even in the anniversary year, the health of the University's friends and members remains a top priority," explained University President Prof. Reiner Finkeldey.

The law establishing the Comprehensive University of Kassel had previously been passed by the Hessian state parliament, which had thus followed an initiative of the social democratic government under Minister President Albert Osswald. It came into force the day after publication in the Law and Ordinance Gazette for the State of Hesse. At the same time, the law established the Studentenwerk Kassel. The document is part of a project entitled "50 Years of the GhK / University of Kassel in 50 Documents," with which the Kassel education researcher Prof. Dr. Edith Glaser will present the history of the university in the coming year based on historical documents.


Press contact:

Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Press Office
Tel.: 0561 804-1961
E-mail: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de