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02/28/2024 | Campus-Meldung

Hesse's universities create nationwide contact points against anti-Semitism

The 14 Hessian universities are taking further steps to combat anti-Semitism: at an initial meeting with Science Minister Timon Gremmels, the university management agreed to set up contact persons or contact points for people who have experienced or observed anti-Semitic discrimination.

Image: Harry Soremski.
Minister Timon Gremmels, here during a visit to the University of Kassel.

Existing contact points are to be strengthened. The Hessian Ministry of Science and Research, Art and Culture is inviting the contact persons for those affected by anti-Semitism at all Hessian universities to an initial networking meeting in the near future. In addition, further education and training courses are planned.

Further developing existing structures

"The universities in Hesse are aware of their responsibility to create a working and learning atmosphere that is characterized by respect and free from any form of discrimination. Many universities already offer affected students and employees advice and support. At the same time, they are trying to initiate exchange and take action against anti-Semitism through information events and academic formats," said Minister of Science Timon Gremmels. "The university management has agreed to continue to develop these structures and services as required in the future and to intensify cooperation between the universities in dealing with anti-Semitism. They have my full support for this."

Everyone must be actively involved

"Counseling and support services for those affected by discrimination and anti-Semitism at our universities are a first and important measure for empowerment. However, in order to take effective action against any form of systematic devaluation of people, all university members must actively combat discrimination whenever they encounter it in everyday university life," adds Prof. Dr. Ute Clement, President of the University of Kassel and spokesperson for the Conference of Hessian University Presidents.

To the contact point of the University of Kassel.