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04/10/2018 | Pressemitteilung

Public lecture series on the occasion of the 200th birthday of Karl Marx

May 5, 2018 is the 200th birthday of Karl Marx. Students and teachers of the Department of Political Science at the University of Kassel take the anniversary as an opportunity to organize a public lecture series during the summer semester. Starting April 18, this will take place every Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. in Lecture Hall 6 of the Campus Center.

Karl Marx. Photo: John Mayall
Karl Marx. Photo: John Mayall

The year 2018 will be marked by numerous events dealing with the theory and work of Karl Marx. For more than 150 years, the potentials and challenges of theory and politics following Marx have been hotly debated. Repeatedly pronounced dead, Marx's work has again met with widespread public interest, at least since the onset of the global crisis beginning in 2007.

Against this background, members of the Department of Political Science are organizing a public lecture series in the summer semester of 2018 entitled "Marx200 - '... overturning all relations...'". The series of events is devoted in particular to the questions of the extent to which Marx's work can contribute to the analysis of contemporary capitalism, and whether political alternatives to the status quo can be developed on its basis. What is special about this is that all speakers have a connection to the University of Kassel, and the event is organized jointly by students and faculty.

To kick things off, the writer and political scientist Raul Zelik will introduce the series of events on April 18, 2018 under the title 'Ways to Marx'. In the following weeks, central concepts and figures of thought in Marx's work will first be introduced, in order to build on them and discuss current further developments. In addition to lectures on the theory of value, crisis and law or the ecological content of Marx's work, there will also be discussion events. For example, the social scientists Isabell Lorey and Frauke Banse will conclude the series on July 11 with a debate entitled 'Workers of the World Unite' on the perspectives and challenges of the global movement of workers today.

The event thus joins a young and successful tradition of socio-critical lecture series in Kassel, such as the series "Living in times of multiple crisis?!" in the winter semester 2015/2016 or the lecture series "World out of joint? Crises, Conflicts, Resistance" in the winter semester 2016/2017.

Further information and the complete program at


Organizing Team:

Prof. Dr. Sonja Buckel
University of Kassel
Department of Political Theory

Dr. Alexander Gallas
University of Kassel
Department of Globalization and Politics