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06/28/2018 | Pressemitteilung

University of Kassel and Hübner company sign cooperation agreement

With a cooperation agreement, the Hübner Group and the University of Kassel have decided on closer cooperation in the field of high-frequency and microwave technology. An additional research position for microwave electronics will be established.

Image: Sascha Mannel/HÜBNER.
From left to right: Professor Dr.-Ing. Axel Bangert, HÜBNER Managing Director Ingolf Cedra, Professor Dr. Reiner Finkeldey.

The cooperation has now been officially signed by the President of the University of Kassel, Professor Dr. Reiner Finkeldey, and the Head of the Microwave Electronics Department, Professor Dr.-Ing. Axel Bangert - currently also Dean of the Electrical Engineering/Computer Science Department - as well as by Hübner's Managing Directors Ingolf Cedra and Roland Kühnel. As part of the support, Hübner will fund a research position in the field of high-frequency technology for an initial period of three years.

"We are very pleased about the cooperation with the University of Kassel. The aim of the cooperation is to strengthen both the research and business location Kassel in equal measure," explained Ingolf Cedra, who at Hübner is responsible for the Photonics division with lasers, terahertz technology and high-frequency technology, among other things, at the signing of the agreement. "Because both sides can only benefit from this cooperation: We are building long-term expertise locally for an authoritative field of research, and at the same time we can inspire young people for technology as well as for our company."

On behalf of the university, Professor Finkeldey thanked the Kassel-based family business for its support: "Research is a core element of any university - basic research as well as applied research. I am very pleased that with Hübner's support we are able to strengthen research in this technology of the future. At the same time, students will also benefit from the cooperation." As part of the cooperation, it is planned, among other things, to promote young academics with company internships and the opportunity to write theses, and it is also planned to use researchers from the company in teaching, thus making the practical relevance even more tangible.



Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
Tel.: +49 561 804-1961
E-mail: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Nicholas Neu
Tel.     +49 561 998-1710
E-mail: nicholas.neu[at]hubner-germany[dot]com