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06/30/2020 | Pressemitteilung

Murhard library joins Onleihe Hessen

From July 1, 2020, users of the Murhard Library will have access to the Onleihe Hessen portal. This means that the library at Brüder-Grimm-Platz will offer access to thousands of e-media in addition to the media offered by the UB Kassel, which were previously only available to users of public libraries.

Image: Onleihe Hesse

With the additional offer of e-media, which is aimed at all population groups, the Murhardsche expands its spectrum and opens its doors a further piece towards the urban public: Read the most important German-language newspapers daily and from home, listen to Goethe's works or exercises on German grammar as an audio book, browse through current magazines on art, history and other cultural topics free of charge. Registration takes place via the library ID of the UB Kassel, the loan periods vary and can be partially determined by the user. After expiration of the loan period, access to the borrowed medium expires. There are no overdue fines.

As an academic municipal library, the Murhard Library has been committed to the citizens of Kassel and the North Hessian region since its founding. In keeping with the spirit of its two founders, it has continued to develop its profile over the years and has repeatedly reinterpreted the will of the two Murhard brothers in a contemporary manner.

"...we hope to enable our library to keep pace in its editions ... with the progress of culture and civilization throughout the world, and to keep pace with the progressively increasing number of books ... appearing."
From the will of the brothers Friedrich and Karl Murhard, 1845

The OnleiheVerbundHessen (OVH) is an association of currently 131 public libraries in Hesse that enable their public to borrow electronic media. Founded in 2010, the OVH has become the largest association of its kind in Germany and currently has around 61,000 active user accounts. With their Onleihe offering, public libraries are fulfilling their legally mandated mission to provide every citizen with easy and cost-effective access to education and information in all forms of publication and output.

Martin Reymer
Kassel University Library
Head of Department V: Murhard Library
Phone +49 561 804-7342