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3rd day of action for the "We act together" energy-saving campaign

On Tuesday, January 24, 2023, from 4 to 8 p.m., the 3rd day of action for the energy saving campaign "We act together" will take place in the Campus Center at Holländischer Platz under the motto "My university does something". This time, we are focusing on the social aspects of sustainability and offering a wide range of information and advice. We are particularly looking forward to the keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Andreas Braun, one of the four new founding directors of the Kassel Institute for Sustainability.

The program will be accompanied by information stands: the Studierendenwerk will provide information about social and student finance advice and the psychological advice centre. Free tea will also be served again. The Green Office will provide energy-saving tips and information about theCO2-optimized campus project. The Department of Construction, Technology and Real Estate will provide information about the Intracting project and publicize energy-saving measures that have already been implemented. SoLocal Energy will also be on site: the association brings together people from Kassel and northern Hesse to install balcony power plants in a spirit of solidarity. Further information stands will be set up by the General Students' Committee (AStA), the regional group of Scientists for Future Kassel (S4F) and the North Hesse Tenants' Association.

Further information and the event program can be found here.