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Review of the 3rd day of action for the "We act together" energy-saving campaign

This time, the focus was on the social aspects of sustainability and a wide range of information and counseling services were offered.  The Studierendenwerk provided information about social and student finance counseling as well as the psychological counseling center. Free tea was also served again. The Green Office gave energy-saving tips and provided information about theCO2-optimized campus project. The Department of Construction, Technology and Real Estate presented the Intracting project and publicized energy-saving measures that have already been implemented. SoLocal Energy was also on site: the association connects people from Kassel and northern Hesse to install balcony power plants in a spirit of solidarity. Other information stands were set up by the General Students' Committee (AStA), the Department for Social Affairs and Anti-Discrimination, Digital and Data Protection, the regional group of Scientists for Future Kassel (S4F) and Mieterbund Nordhessen e.V..

Lectures were also offered in the evening. The keynote speech was given by Prof. Dr. Andreas Braun, one of the founding directors of the Kassel Institute for Sustainability. Other speakers were Tim Füller & Angelica Gamarra (SoLocal Engery) and Svenja Quitsch (S4F).

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