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Demo appointment with Science Park Kassel

The Green Office took part in an online demo event at the Science Park Kassel on 14.03.23.

Start-ups presented innovative solutions for sustainable, technical building management at the event. For example, VELI and dHIVE analyze electricity flows in high resolution and can display data flows much more accurately and cost-effectively than previous solutions. HYDROP WATER SYSTEMS offers a smart solution for reading water or gas consumption points with old meters, detects anomalies and prevents water damage. BETTERSPACE regulates heating thermostats with the innovative LoRaWan system and reduces heating costs. All this data can be processed by I3D ENERGY for building management with high spatial and temporal accuracy. Consumption and emissions in buildings are recorded in a smart way, enabling the transformation to a smart building and reducing costs. The potential was discussed with those responsible for building management at the Science Park and the University of Kassel.