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06/21/2023 | Campus-Meldung

9th Italy Day at the University of Kassel

"Caritas - Cultures of Care Caritas - Culture dell'assistenza" is the topic of the ninth Italientag, to which the Network Italy at the University of Kassel invites. The event will take place on June 27 in the Senate Hall opposite the Gießhaus, Mönchebergsatraße 3 (3rd floor).

The picture shows a poster cutout
Poster (detail)

Pandemics and current crises have revived the question of social welfare and given new relevance to issues such as combating poverty and disease. In history, it was a long way from the voluntary almsgiving and hospital foundations of the Middle Ages to the systematic health and social care of our time, a path that was often quite different in Italy than north of the Alps.

The ninth Italy Day of the University of Kassel has therefore set itself the goal of illuminating the cultures of care in Italy and the associated imaginary worlds. For example, the wall cycle in the Ospedale Santa Maria della Scala in Siena around 1500 presents the practice of caring for the sick. The art historical perspective focuses on the idea of the medical-healing effect of colors in the fresco cycles of Renaissance hospitals. From a contemporary historical perspective, questions are asked about the social and religious care of migrants in the Italian diaspora communities of Europe after 1945. Finally, current public health communication on infection control in Italy will be analyzed from a linguistic perspective.

All interested parties are cordially invited to attend the scientific lectures from the history of art and architecture, historiography and linguistics. 


  • 13.00: Introduction
  • 13.15: Philine Helas: Physician, pharmacist, surgeon and priest in the Ospedale Santa Maria della Scala in Siena 1440
  • 14.00 h: Fabian Jonietz: Healing the sick by the hand of an artist. Art and Healing in Early Modern Italy
  • 14.45 h: Break
  • 16.30: Marella Magris: Health care in Italy: Linguistic and communicative aspects using the example of the topic "Vaccinations
  • 17:15: Clelia Caruso: Italian diaspora communities in Europe after 1945 - between care and self-organization?

Ingrid Baumgärtner and Nikola Roßbach
Mail: italicum[at]