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The Green Office at the SDG+ Lab Start-up Days

On June 5 + 6, 2023, the opening of the SDG+ Lab of the University of Kassel took place in the Neue Denkerei.

With the new SDG+ Lab, UniKasselTransfer is developing a laboratory for sustainability issues as part of the "Innovative University" funding initiative, which will serve as a platform for exchange between science, business, politics and society.

Under the motto "Transformation Open Source", the new team invited guests to the Neue Denkerei on June 5 and 6, 2023 to discuss the ambitious project and key project components. In various formats, the Founder Days provided an opportunity for a professional exchange on the challenges facing the region and the potential of the newly established SDG+ Lab. The designated Lord Mayor of the City of Kassel, Sven Schoeller, the Managing Director of Regionalmanagement Nordhessen, Kai Georg Bachmann, the scientific team of the SDG+ Lab and numerous other project partners were invited: inside.