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Transformation and sustainability research workshop

The concept of sustainability is omnipresent and is also being brought into focus at the University of Kassel through the founding of the Kassel Institute for Sustainability. This dazzling term not only encompasses a multitude of disciplines and issues, but the concept of sustainability itself also has many meanings, perspectives and gaps.
Following the inaugural lectures by Andreas Braun, Kristina Dietz and Andreas Fischer-Lescano, we would like to open up a space for interdisciplinary discussion of transformation research on sustainability at the University of Kassel. As part of a two-day workshop, young researchers in particular (advanced Master's students, doctoral candidates, postdocs) will have the opportunity to present their research on transformation and sustainability and discuss it in an interdisciplinary context.

In addition to application-oriented sustainability research and work that deals with the implications of the sustainability discourse for politics, law, business and society, the workshop will also focus in particular on a critical examination of the concept of sustainability and transformation itself. The content of the workshop has been deliberately chosen to cover as broad a spectrum of the sustainability discourse as possible. The central goals are to get to know each other, to network with each other and to identify possible common research interests.

Open to students

The workshop is open to students from various Faculties, who should be able to count their participation as coursework. In individual cases, Master's theses can also be presented by students.

If you would like to present your work, please send a short abstract (max. 200 words) to by 30.9.2023. Acceptances or rejections will be sent by 31.10. All speakers are asked to submit a paper on their presentation by 30.11.2023. This will be used to create a reader, which will be made available to all participants in the run-up to the event. During the workshop, the papers will be discussed in 45-minute blocks. After a short introduction (approx. 10 minutes), the focus will be on joint discussion. The aim is to publish the papers as part of a special issue or an anthology.

For those interested, an information event will take place on July 20, 2023 at 4 pm (Mosenthalstraße 8 and online). Please register at stating whether you would like to attend in person or online.
Andreas Gutmann ( is available to answer any questions.

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