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Artists' social insurance - the unknown entity? - Online seminar

When may, must or can I insure myself as a designer or artist via the Künstlersozialkasse (KSK)? What requirements must be met? Are there any advantages? What do I have to consider when applying?

The artists' social insurance is an important and exciting topic for self-employed artists and designers. However, there are also a lot of rumors and contradictory information circulating about this. In the webinar, the basic functioning of the KSK will be explained and more clarity will be brought into the supposed jungle of conjectures and half-truths.


▪ The Künstlersozialkasse - How does it work? What does it do?
Who is actually an artist/publicist as defined by the Artists' Social Insurance Act (KSVG)?
Who can/may/must insure themselves via the KSK?

Lecturer: Dr. Maria Kräuter has many years of nationwide experience as a consultant, business coach and trainer. She advises start-ups and self-employed people, especially in the cultural and creative industries.


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