Society and social sciences

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Offers for prospective students

School internship history

Collaboration on ongoing research project on colonial history and a new research project in the field of "Modern and Contemporary History" (also online).

Course type: Internship

Target group: Students from grade 11

Application and inquiries to: Prof. Büschel (

Try studying in the department of social sciences

Using the example of a topic agreed upon in advance, the students gain an insight into scientific work at the university.
In addition, there is the possibility to get to know the university library and to experience the handling of scientific literature.

Type of event: Block event

Target group: School classes (for courses in politics and economics and history of the upper secondary school)

Contact person:Tanja Schöttner, Studienkoordination FB05,, 0561-804-3440

Study programs of the subject group social and societal sciences

More information

If you have any questions about your studies, the General Student Advisory Service will help you.

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